Friday, February 8, 2013


Needs no mentioning of source :D

I'm pretty sure this post needs no introduction, rather this post itself is not necessary, when I talk about Google. But I thought of posting about one of my best friend and hence I carry on.

Google is serving more than a mere search engine. When I use the word 'mere', I mean that a lot more can be done in the Internet than searching for stuffs. And Google does a lot more than that.

The first purpose which it serves for me is that, it shows me whether my system is connected to the net or not. Well, the 'Network' icon on the tool bar (+ modem lights) is supposed to be used for this purpose, but i'd prefer Google.

The most commonly used functionality is of course to search for info, which is done readily and perfectly most of the times. 

My fascination for Google starts with its simple and bright homepage. The Wikipedia says that Google's founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were not much experienced in HTML and hence they developed a simple UI for the homepage. I'd say that this UI is far better than the ones which are designed by good HTMLers.

In addition, the occasional Doodles are really awesome! The wait to see the Doodle on a festive day seems like waiting for a present. Certain Doodles come as a surprise as we might have not known any occasion  which falls on that particular day.

An image which circulates in FB displays a b/w image of the Google logo and asks us to tell its colors. Honestly, it was at that moment I realized that, though I stare at the logo everyday for several moments, several times, the colors don't stick to my mind and i'm still to by heart the colors. Anyway the consolation was many had the same problem (is it a problem anyway?)

I'd be committing a grave crime if I say that I conclude my post on Google at this juncture, and that's because there's much more that needs to be posted about Google. It's not a simple one though.

And Google - 2 comes soon in bloG de KaushiK. So keep reading and do kind.

God Bless


  1. Have you tried ego surfing? Typing your name in Google and seeing the results. Try.

    And the doodles are very interesting. I love them all.

    Glad to connect.

    Joy always,

    1. 'ego surfing' - done it so many times :D, but learnt the term just now
      And doodles..i just love them a lot :)
